62 results:
A masterclass in castables Herbert Hoenl, REFKO, outlines the benefits of a new castable magnesia spinel solution which promises new opportunities for rotary kiln lining repair. T he development of…
Zertifikat Prüfungsnorm ISO 9001:2015 Zertifikat-Registrier-Nr. 01 100 070256 Unternehmen: Refko Feuerfest GmbH Concordiastr. 56235 Ransbach-Baumbach Deutschland ® TÜV, TUEV und TUV sind…
Certificate Standard ISO 9001:2015 Certificate Registr. No. 01 100 070256 Certificate Holder: Refko Feuerfest GmbH Concordiastr. 56235 Ransbach-Baumbach Germany Scope: Development, technical…
Zertifikat Prüfungsnorm ISO 9001:2015 Zertifikat-Registrier-Nr. 01 100 070256 Unternehmen: Refko Feuerfest GmbH Concordiastr. 56235 Ransbach-Baumbach Deutschland ® TÜV, TUEV und TUV sind…
Certificate Standard ISO 9001:2015 Certificate Registr. No. 01 100 070256 Certificate Holder: Refko Feuerfest GmbH Concordiastr. 56235 Ransbach-Baumbach Germany Scope: Development, technical…
Revisting rapid recovery and repair.
Florian Laux, REFKO Feuerfest GmbH, revisits the performance of a lining technology that has been used to repair cement kilns in a number of different plants. Download the article.
Florian Laux, REFKO Feuerfest GmbH, revisits the performance of a lining technology that has been used to repair cement kilns in a number of different plants. ho would have thought that one year…
Refko plants 1,000 trees for the climate.
The German Society for Refractory and Chimney Construction (Deutschen Gesellschaft Feuerfest- und Schornsteinbau e.V.) initiated a project to build climate-stable and multifunctional forests in…
Refko pflanzt 1.000 Bäume für das Klima.
Ready for Rapid Recovery & Repair.
Herbert Hoenl, REFKO, explains how successful and long-lasting emergency rotary kiln repairs can be achieved, resulting in safer operation of the kiln until a planned shutdown can take place.
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